2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2017 ISNST)

(一) 日期: 2017/10/19(四)08:00~2017/10/20(五)18:00
(二) 單位:光電工程系
(三) 地點:E Library and Information Building (13th floor) at the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST)
(四) 對象:不限
(五) 網址:http://isnst.eng.stust.edu.tw/
(六) 說明:2017 International Symposium on Novel and Sustainable Technology (2017 ISNST) will be held at the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), Tainan City, Taiwan from October 19 to 20, 2017. The scientific program will include oral and poster sessions.
